Guidelines for being a Hare for Saturday Hash
- Sign up to be a Hare on the Hareline at
- Sign up for TWO available Saturday time slot.
- Do not sign up to Hare another run until completing your current Hare run.
- Hares must send lager site and location directions to the Run-Master at least two weeks prior to the run.
- There will be a maximum of 4 Hares per Run.
- All Hares for each run must be posted on the Hareline at least two weeks prior to the run.
- Only Hares posted on the Hareline will receive credits for the run.
- Only Hares posted on the Hareline will receive free Hare Beers for that run.
- A maximum of 3 free beers per Hare are allowed.
- Hare beers are to be consumed at the lager site only.
- The Hare Guidelines for the run are as follows:
- Safety first:
- Do not Hare alone
- Virgin Hares must sign up with at least one experienced Hare.
- Hares should be aware of weather conditions and make sure the chosen trails can be safely navigated.
- Hares must obtain permission from the land owner(s) of the lager site and the running/walking trails.
- Hares shall use multicolored paper for the runners, blue paper for the walkers, and pink paper for falsies.
- Hares shall time the run length to ensure front runners are not back to the lager site in under 40 minutes, with the main running pack back between 45-55 minutes after the start of the run. The walk must be a minimum of 30 minutes.
- “HHH” signs must be posted before 1400 (2pm) on Saturday prior to the run.
- Signs must be taken down no later than 24 hours after the run start.
- The Hares and the Beer Truck are responsible for making sure the lager site is cleaned of any Hash Trash. If possible, the Hares should check the lager site the following day after the run to make sure everything is in order.
- Safety first:
- All exceptions to these rules must be approved by the Run-Master.