Scribe Report:                         Run  No. 1445                    Saturday 2 November 2013

Hares: No Hope, Singha, On The Floor & Lau Lau Louder
Total Pack 109:  PH3 105,  Virgins 2,  Visitors 2, Visiting Hashers 0,  New Members 0.

Firstly my thanks to No Hope for standing in for me last week during my sick note illness. Great notes NH. Well I'm back, but only just and not for long  as it turned out! Bloody weak fader!

Our GM called for the Hares, in what was a beautiful, sunny afternoon In came No Hope, On The Floor, Lau Lau Louder and S-I-N-G-H-A. No Hope told us there was a run and a gentle walk but warned us to disregard the pink paper that had earlier been laid by the bikers. Off I set for which was to be MY first completed walk in six months, after my knee op! Lots of green and none of that damp brown stuff that slowed the already sedate walking group the last few months. Enjoying the fresh air and fording a couple of streams,  I noted that Hawaiian Ho had taken his group of lemmings along the PINK paper. I called after H H but i'm not sure his answer was bollocks or it's ok, whatever, on he blindly went! We got back in exactly 60 mins, all agreed it was a super walk and I was especially pleased with myself, even though I was hot and knackered! I had made my mind up to call No Hope in the circle for the run offense for NOT lying!

GM got the Hares in and thanked them whilst they downed their well earned beers

RETURNERS in. Ten Hashers, all looking like they had enjoyed the run/walk and pleased to be back, welcome home.

VIRGINS in. Two, a young girl (Testicle Tom's neighbour) and her Polish Mother-in-Law. GM welcomed them and Piss Drinker stepped in to water them down. They had both just bought new Hash shirts from me but had saved them (inside info from TT, I think). Just as I gave them their new shirts the heavens opened with such force the GM suspended the circle (first time I had seen this as a Hasher but he had no choice). After 15 mins I had to give up as I was soaked through and now shaking, so sick note did a bunk, I'm afraid.
I am told that the GM reinstated the circle and continued to entertain a vastly reduced Hash.

Not too many run offenses were told but Virgin My Arse managed to complete her STEWARD spot with Blue Harlot filling in the second spot as his other Steward had followed me in ducking out. Well done to the hardy Hashers.

RUN SHIRTS. The GM awarded Rommel his 300 Run Shirt along with his Cap and Triple Arsehole got his 25 Run Shirt (again).

GM called in the four Hares and a good run was called. Well done the Hares!

Sick one week and doing a runner the next, I hope to stay next week and complete my duties as Scribe with a full report!

On On, a wet and sore Not Cleaver
See you all next week.