Scribe Report:                               No. 1328 ,                             Saturday  20th August 2011

Hares:         Who the Fuck is Alice, Turncoat and Stupid Canard.             

Total Pack 93 ,  Virgins 6 , Visitors 3 , Visiting hashers 1  , New members 1.

Gm blew the old horn to signal the start of the circle at 1730 and called in the Hares who were dressed in special T’s to mark the occasion and that was a steep and long hill with sun on everyone’s back.  The scribe could not find spell check on the pen he was given to scribble notes on the BS about to transpire.
It was announced that there is a two day bike ride next weekend as part of AGPU for Bike Hash.  Attention all cheap Charlies who have been skipping out on beer tabs as from next week: ALL BEERS WILL BE CASH AS YOU GO to make it easy and faster service with a nice smile.   Houdini in circle and out of closet and gave an update on Swollen Colon’s recovery from and heart operation and whether having a Ghanyian nurse is hindering or helping his progress and testing the pumping of blood to his vital part.  

Call for Run Offenses:    The hares in for making walkers follow pink paper through a family’s house but nice walkers did a wide loop around the place.  Turncoat announced 40 Baht beer on his tab and alerted circle that there would be a special announcement later;  he was ignored as everyone charged the beer cooler.  Scribe and Registration should get a free beer ?  Seems Dicksappointing fell in a hole up to his knee; which did not stop him from leading the charge to beer cooler.  Three runners called in to see who would give the worst excuse that might work to save them from punishment and Holiday and No Birth Certificate mumbled something and went on the ice.    Turncoat, lovely Turnover and little Meow in and given brightly colored wigs and Hash wedding was administered by GM with vows recited and promises made to do it mauk mauk and offered drinks to toast the event using real condoms as no champagne glasses were available.   A mob of returners came in and out followed by visiting hashers.

Manikin Piss in as 1st Stewart with a multi page crib sheet got Houdini in w/o Chastity Belt who was recovering from party at Ao Chalong Yacht Club on Friday and good thing as joke about trying to suck tits and shagging brains on honeymoon worked after 13 years.  French into mud by the ice to loud singing of retreat and comparison between chimps and frogs with hair, smelly and scratching crouch.  The island titled a few degrees as Big Bollox & bunch stood to one side of circle.

GM jungle balls in as 2nd steward and Muddy Bollox in as new member and more Bollox in for Hash Song with a Spanish guest singer and good enough for you, Ole – go to hash music to see on Utube.  Tattoo in to clear-up rumors re his ex and restraining order.  Virgins in 2 guy and 3 girls with one in with new shoes and Beer Belch drank heartily.  Blue Harlot called in the hares once more for pink paper through house and told them that was a No NO.  Big Buffalo was questioned about his queer dogs and was one named Tom?

King Klong in as next steward , Froggie and Barf Waiter are opening up a new bar & restaurant just South of Chalong Circle which may be called Hash Bar.  Fig Jam seems to know a ladyboy that he says girls can’t tell is boy; which got a big laugh.  Parasol Pussy in with once Weekly to show tattoo at advertises being horny.  Beaver Bollox in for B-Day. Farewell Tattoo and 2 and he vowed: They will be back. 

Good run. Circle All Pau at 1834,  PS: hard to do names as spell check does not want to do caps on names.  Have not spent this much time on computer without porn in a long time.

On On

Hawaiian Ho