Scribe Report: No. 1312; 30 April 2011; Hares: JC and Naked Gun

Total Pack: 72;  Virgins: 0; Visitors: 2; Visiting hashers: 5; New members: 1

According to Gorgeous, the original job (years ago) of a Hash Scribe was to record the run.  I didn’t know this piece of Hash history before the run, and my memory is mostly of just keeping my head down and plowing forth to keep up with the little red shoes of the Hasher in front of me (who seemed to know where she was going, but didn’t really).  I know the run began with a very steep hill going down, and I do remember having to climb up to get back to the laager site. Next time, I’ll pay more attention. Circle started at 5:30.  GM, Minnie Mouse, deserted today so Lesser Dipshit stood in as caretaker (Lesser Dipshit standing in for Billy Boy who was supposed to replace MM, BTW).  Cinderella Man voted in (as another Disney character) to take the place of absent MM for down-down.   Announcements:  Look at website for information for the Tinmen on the 4th.  Hares in, but GM said Naked Gun was not to be held responsible for the run as it was his first time - blame JC who couldn’t get back to the circle on time.  “Technically challenged” Big Bollocks in for starting late because he couldn’t get his GPS working, but he came in singing so he was iced.  GM asked, “What do you call a laughing motorcycle?”  “A Yamahahaha“, answered BB.  GM told a few more good jokes, but he wouldn’t let me see his notes (saying with a smile, “They’re private.”) and I can’t remember them.; Flying Dickhead was allowed to see GM’s notes, so he was able to read off the names of 1) Visitors: two in all, but one (Giovanni) still hadn’t returned; 2) New members:  Somporn (two people responded, but one turned out to be Chapped Lips); 3) Returners in: Soleless, Blacktop, Cinderella Man, and …the Hares (again for the “great” run).  Not much enthusiastic singing during down-down, so GM said he’d ice all the French if things didn’t improve; 4) Departers:  Lesser Dipshit, Bootilicious (and Ben and Bot), Mme Disparu, Disparu, Blue Spunk, Tuk Tuk, and She Knows Everything.  (Froggy, Giovanni, Barfwader and Ape Man still not back.) 

No virgins today so Flying Dickhead called the Hares in again so as not to short-change everyone.  Naked Gun chose to be iced.  Giovanni arrived back!  Hares in again for losing him.   Steward Jungle Balls with a lesson to show how Haring makes you ugly. Virgin Hare, Naked Gun in (again) as well as senior Hares having done 50 runs or more - Louis the Lip, J.C. Lesser Dipshit and Born Loser.  Then, Indiana Bones, Rug-rat and J.C. in.  Last week’s photo of Rug-rat with toilet seat suggests he likes beer and the hash shit fits him well.  “J.C., are you the father of this baby?” Next, Clitmas Pussy in.  She was so over-excited about the royal wedding, she took pictures from the telly.  Not only this, but she posted these fuzzy images on the internet (as though she’d been there in person) where, of course, there were already thousands of professional images of exactly the same thing. After that, Bootilicious and Blue Spunk in.  Bootilicious reckons you can tell how good a film is by how many tissues you get through when watching it.  Funnily enough, Blue Spunk has a similar ranking system.  At this point, a tuk-tuk pulled into the laager site…it was Ape Man, who got in his car and drove away, in spite of calls to join the circle.  New member, Somporn, in to receive Hash name of Dancing Robot, due to his teaching children about robots.  He showed his robot dancing skills with Poo Ying girls and Big Bollocks joining in. Someone said to never ask Sheep Shearer, Louis the Lip or Tuk Tuk how they are because they just talk about their aches and pains.  Cinderella Man asked, “ How does Bill Gates get in his house?”  “Through the windows“, someone answered.  Any Hash offences?  Cinderella Man called in Indiana Bones for acting too girlie while her husband had to walk behind her carrying Rug-rat on his back.  Gorgeous called in Lady Pie and Jungle Balls for being fools for taking the wrong trail back to the laager site.  Reminder:  Indiana Bones’ full name is Indiana Bones and the Temple of Poon, and Creature’s full name is Creature from the Blue Lagoon.  Last, the Run was voted a good one on all accounts (in spite of losing Froggy and Barfwader) .  Gorgeous said, “ I hope they come back by next week - I want them to get lost on MY run!”