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Bikini Buster

It is with sadness that we report that
Bill Eaton "Bikini Buster" has passed away.

Bikini Buster

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Yet again we mourn the passing of a member of the Hash. Bill (Beach) 'Bikini Buster' Eaton passed away this week after a long battle with cancer. Larger than life (in more ways than one) BB always lived life to the full whilst in Phuket. Condolences to Scotty on losing his brother, and also to the rest of the family.
- he will be sadly missed.
  No Hope

These words were sent to Billy Boy by Barbie Doll for reading outloud at the hash. The words are what Barbie thought Bikini Buster would have said.

To my fellow hashers,
I fought the hard fight, I finished the race, I kept the faith.
I am tired now I must go to my rest, at piece knowing that I have done right with my time on this earth.
Farewell, on on until we meet again.


Bikini Buster

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Bikini Buster

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